The Precarious Affair is my Senior Collection that I designed at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The theme behind my collection was a visual representation of a twisted love story between Vincent Van Gogh and the reclusive heiress, Huguette Clark. This shows a portion of the research and design that led to the production of my collection. I worked in collaboration with The Experience Collective to create my one-of-a-kind printed textiles. I also reached out to a friend in the architecture department at SCAD to laser cut a large portion of my designs. Complex and curved seaming add to the original prints.

The article above started my whole research process. I loved the idea of a woman that was so in love with the beauty within her home, as an avid collector of french impressionist art, that she never really left.

Mood Board

Pattern,color, trim and textile research.
For this page, I wanted to experiment with the underside of trims, as well as the prints on textiles to replicate similar effects to VanGogh's work.

I wanted to find textiles that replicate the impressionist style within VanGogh's work.

Here are some personal experiments that led to the final collaborative textile design. I loved the abstract similarities between the marbled look and the way impressionsist use thier paints. Every marbled piece is inevitably handmade, and one of a kind, just like VanGogh's work. As seen above, I also experimented with applique on the surface of one of the marbled pieces.

The beginnings of my croquis research. I thought about having style lines that replicate the shape of ink blot tests.

These next two pages show the process of constructing one of the dresses in my line up; From muslin experiementation, to final muslin drape, laser cut patterns, complex curved pattern construction, marbled textiles, and finally to the constructed garment.

Textile and Color.